Monday 21 September 2009

Tooth no.5 through!

Well, there's a little lot going on...

Alfie is having real trouble with his teeth at the moment. His bottom two teeth outside his middle two are coming through. One has actually already broken through but the other one is not quite through. His top two matching them are coming through at the same time as well, I think, which is quite hard on the wee man!

He has had a real snotty nose, and is even finding it hard to eat/drink as he can't breathe when his mouth is closed. He's been waking up through the night for the past 3 days, and also having real problems with getting to sleep in the first place. We went to a wedding on saturday night, and when we got in at 2am, he was still awake with his gramma! Bless his cottons!

Also, I have put on almost half a stone which is making me feel like crap, so I decided to check my pill side effects to see if weight gain is a common side effect, as I have stopped breast-feeding, I am not using those extra calories during the day so I think may need to switch to another pill. Anyway, while reading that this morning, I also noticed that it says if you miss a pill, you have to use condoms for the next 7 days. Now, that is NOT what I read on the internet when I decided to change onto it! It said 2 days! I am really hoping that the internet is more up to date than the leaflet as it says it was last approved in 2007, but I am going to take a preg test anyway, as I have been worrying about being pregnant a lot lately anyway, and it would explain a lot, despite fucking just about everything up. Bugger. I really hope I'm not. God.

Oh, and in happier news, I start Uni a week today! Woop woop, my daddy says if I last the first week and don't quit, he'll buy me a laptop! Woop woop, what insentive!

Aaaanywho, I should go, I am getting rather paranoid about this whole baby thing!

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