Sunday, 30 August 2009


Well, today we had a family fun day and went to the Stoneleigh Festival which is about a 10 minute drive away from our house. It used to be this big amazing festival which just about everyone in Coventry (and anywhere kinda close) would go and see millions of classic cars, farmers markets, craft stalls, army demonstrations...all that kind of stuff. This year, it was about one fifth of the size and just...well...empty. It was very sad to see, and even more upsetting as it still cost us £15 each to get in! The words insult and injury spring to mind!

Anyway, it was a fun day, and despite spending more money than we'd have liked, and it raining pretty much the whole time, it was a good laugh. Alfie was amazing, as always! And he was just enjoying seeing all the crowds of different people...oh, and my new hair was beautiful for about 2 minutes before the fine rain came in and did what humidity does to most people. It was in ringlets within about 5 minutes! Kinda sucks as I'd spent like 40 minutes beforehand straightening it with my pile-of-crap £7.50 straighteners!

Also, when we came home, we tried Alfie with chicken for the first time. He loved it and ate the whole pot which was nice, so that was nice to know. Will now make a job-lot of chicken dinners for him to eat over the next week or so =O) it's good doing it this way because then each night I can just add in a new vegetable at a time and we can keep tabs on it. I think maybe some courgette next week as we have some from our friend's allotment in the fridge =O)

I haven't really taken any decent pics of my hair properly done, but when I do I will put them up. I love it, and I love that I went to Primark after my hair got done, and spent £80. Which seems a lot, but with that I managed to get:

-2 pairs of shoes

-2 pairs of jeans

-a denim skirt

-a hoodie jacket

-2 belts

-a scarf

-3 pairs of fancy knickers

-a long sleeved top

-a tank top

-a pair of leggings

-a dress with belt built-in

-a pair of joggers for Mark

-a pair of braces

-2 long top/smocks

I think I just fell in love with Primark! haha

Aaaaanyway, this is a proper rambling post now so I'm gonna go...but yeah, good news all around!! Byeeeeeeeeeee xx

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